Just Keep The Dog

Just Keep The Dog


Thank you to all who support Just Keep The Dog. Our Facebook page currently has 4,118 dog lovers!!! How awesome is that!

Holiday Dogs

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas is a time for families and friends. We visit, give gifts, and share laughter and joy. Many humans include their pets when celebrating this special holiday.

If you search online you'll see pictures of dogs in Christmas outfits, Tweets from humans on behalf of their dogs wishing everyone a happy holiday, humane societies dressing up their adoptable dogs in hopes of enticing potential new owners, and many more! Why do people do these things? What makes people include their nonhuman pets in celebration of Christmas?

I can't answer for others so I'll speak on my own behalf. Dogs are and have always been pack animals. When we bring them into our home we become their pack. We become their family and they become ours. When I rescued Bruce I learned that his previous family tied him outside and forgot him. He was 20 pounds underweight. I couldn't imagine living my life alone outside while my family was warm and well fed inside the home. I couldn't imagine how lonely it must've been for a species designed to be with his family. I made a promise to him that he would be a permanent member if my family. And that means including him in our own special way in celebrations of special holidays.

This is only our second Christmas together but it's two cold Christmases that he's warm, well fed and spoiled rotten. I believe I'm not the only dog lover who feels that way. I believe that dog owners who love their dogs get them a gift on Christmas because they believe they are truly a part of the family. Even if he has four legs.

Merry Christmas to all and may your dogs' tails forever wag in your home.

Bruce gets a giant raw hide chew every Christmas.

Meet Holly and her dog Norman!

"This is Norman, my miniature Rat Terrier, in his Christmas pajamas. Some dogs don't like clothing, but Norm gets chilly and actually brings us a sweater. He cooperates and sticks his head through, and he is actually excited when he gets new clothes! He also has a Santa coat. He wore his Santa coat to a local Christmas tree lighting celebration, where he met tons of kids and even found a discarded hot dog! Norm will be joining us, as always, when we go to my parents' house for Christmas dinner and family time." -- Holly R.

Holiday Announcement

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy holidays!

Just Keep The Dog will be featuring our members' dogs in a Holiday Dogs blog on Christmas Day. The blog will talk about the love of our dogs and how we include them in celebrations of holidays. I'd love to include your dog!

If you'd like your dog(s) featured, please do the following:

  1. Find a holiday-themed picture of your dogs.

  2. Write a brief description of how you will include your dog this holiday. Include both your first name and your Doug's name.

  3. Email both to justkeepthedog@gmail.com

Don't forget to follow our Facebook page where I will be announcing the blog post!

Love and Happy Holidays,
Bruce from Just Keep The Dog

Lessons From Dogs #2

Friday, December 21, 2012


Yesterday was a really rough day. We came home and I found that Bruce made a mess in his crate. It wasn't one of those easy accidents. He sat in it. So he was nasty.

I tried to take him out of the crate slowly so he wouldn't make a mess. But he had other plans. He bolted! He ran out into the living room where he stopped to shake and rub his body on the carpet.

In a panic I grabbed his collar and quickly led him to the bathroom. Bruce hates baths. He's scared to death of them. I don't know if in his past life he was tortured with water, but he just freaks out. I forgot about that.

I wrestled with him in the tub. He's 90 lbs. And he won. Leaving me soaked in poop and water, he plastered himself between the toilet bowl and the counter. So I left him in there and proceeded to clean the mess in his crate.

I finally decided to call Petsmart and set him up for a bath. Half an hour after dropping him off, the groomer called me. She told me that he was so stressed from the bath that he threw up and she couldn't finish him. So I picked him up. He was clean but they couldn't do any brushing. At least they didn't charge me for the bath.

When I brought him back home, he laid on the couch. He seemed quiet. And sad. When he caught me looking at him, he got off the couch and approached me with his head down. And he gave me a kiss.

I was mad at him. I was so mad at him.

And then I had to think about it. All dogs have accidents. And he isn't the exception. I make mistakes too. Sometimes I forget to stuff. Sometimes I make the wrong choices.

Another thing- I knew he hated baths. He has always hated baths. That's why I usually got him groomed instead if doing it myself. So why would I be mad if I knew it wasn't going to work if I tried to bathe him myself?

As he stared at me with those big brown eyes, I realized something. He forgave ME. He forgave me long before I even took him to Petsmart. He forgave me even as I wrestled with him in the bath tub.

It takes us humans such a long time to forgive our pets when we are so quick to justify our actions and our REACTIONS.

I'm grateful to have such a loving soul in my life.

Lessons From Dogs #3

Run Just Because

Like many dogs, sometimes Bruce will escape from home. When he does, the first thing he does is run. Just to run. He has nowhere he needs to be in a hurry. He isn't starving and searching for food. He just wants to run.

It is ok and healthy to let your hair down once in a while. It's ok to stop what you're doing and dance. We go through life focusing on work and chores at home. Sometimes you have to run and burn some energy. Laugh. Play.

Don't go too far from home, of course. And always go back. But don't forget to run just because.

Lovey dovey moments

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I kiss Bruce on the nose. I just love him!!
He's so cuddly
And snugly
He makes me act silly
I call him Brucee Bruce!
And I smoosh his face
When we cuddle
He's like a giant teddy bear
He's the best
Sometimes I wish he could understand
How I feel
But then I remember
He's a dog
He knows more than I think he does


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